Separation Anxiety

 This COVID virus has really caused people to do some good things, bad things, and not sure whether the last is classified as strange or weird things. Recently my wife and I were watching the English news channel for Israel and they showed that people were hugging trees.  Now I know that this is not something new but they showed a clip where people were hugging trees not to protect “Mother Earth” but it was helping them to overcome separation anxiety. 

The one I really do not get is they interviewed a lady hugging a tree and her “partner,” as she called him, was right there hugging another part of the same tree.  Partner? Is that like a dance partner? The other question to ask, why is she not hugging him instead of the tree?  The tree is hard, cannot hug back and has no emotions or feelings towards you like your spouse, not partner, would give you. 

So where am I going with all of this? It is surely not to make you think because of Corona that the world has turned upside down, but instead it is a form of separation anxiety. For those of you who are not planning on going to heaven this will be the norm in hell except there will be no one around you, trees included, for you to grab affection from. In fact, hell has no emotion and is devoid of all of that. 

How do I know? I never went to hell but before I was a believer I experienced what the devil feels like. Then after I became a believer the Lord allowed me to experience that same feeling again to know what the devil and hell feel like. All I can say is this, it is something that you try to get as far away from as possible and want nothing to do with it. Unfortunately in hell it is all around you for ever and ever and ever.

In Mark 9:44 Jesus is talking about offenses but also is describing hell in part. He says hell is a place where the worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.  Yes I am aware that this verse was not part of the original manuscripts but it does agree with the testimonies of those who have visited hell.  I will add this too, it is place where you never overcome separation anxiety because you will have eternity to realize that you should have spent time with Jesus and gotten to know him before it was too late.  

So if you want to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior then pray this prayer:

Lord, forgive me for I have sinned against You and have separated myself from You. I give to you everything I have ever done and ask You to come into my life and be at the center of it. Teach me how to walk with You and never feel lost or separated again. Take away from me any anxiety, worry, or grief that I have and  fill me with Your love and peace. I love You Jesus and thank You for giving of Yourself for me.

In Jesus name, AMEN!

Until next time...


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