
Showing posts from October, 2018

Quote or Scripture - Test Your Skills

As believers we tend to accept things for granite. It has been a problem within the body for years with most people accepting what they hear as gospel. That is, people make comments or quotes as if it is directly from the Bible. Well… I thought that we could just play a little game and see how many you can guess are in the Bible or where did it originate from? Some will be obvious and others not so obvious. So are you ready? God helps those who help themselves   Answer... While most people might give credit to Benjamin Franklin, its earliest appearance was found in one of Aesop's fables—Hercules and the Waggoner. Cleanliness is next to godliness   Answer... Rabbi Phineas ben Yair in the 2nd century AD wrote this in the Talmud. It is popularly credited to John Wesley's sermon in 1778. The Lord works in mysterious ways   Answer... This one is believed to have come from a hymn written by William Cowper in 1773 titled, "God Moves in a Myste...